Multicultural Office

The Multicultural Office values the pursuit of truth and finds great understanding in the convergence of viewpoints, backgrounds and ideas. Therefore, we provide a safe environment where learners can openly discuss and debate to gain understanding.

We are here to promote the importance of positive community impact and encourage others to get involved through education, collaboration, advocacy and competency.

Our Mission

To love and serve the Grand Canyon University (GCU) community by upholding our Christian perspective to treat every individual with respect and compassion, and to provide a means of connection and communication for all. We carry out this mission through events and programming dedicated to multiculturalism, equity and inclusion.

Our Vision

We will create a safe and vibrant campus community that feels engaged, heard, welcomed and wanted.

Contact Us

Building 25, First Floor
[email protected]
Office: 602-639-7756

To report Title IX issues and offenses, email:
[email protected]

Connect With Us

Get the most up-to-date information on news and events related to diversity and inclusion:

The Diversi-Tea podcast is where we have culturally relevant conversations discussing our differences and the importance of embracing diversity and fostering inclusion on campus and in the world.

Listen to the Podcast

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"It is so important for all students to feel like they matter and are represented on campus. Our department provides that representation as well as helps to build communities and connect students of different backgrounds, races and ethnicities." 


Ways To Get Involved

GCU offers regular events, programs and initiatives to help advance diversity and inclusion across campus. Below are a few ways you can get involved as a GCU student.

GCU Student Infinity Groups

GCU calls these “infinity” groups instead of "affinity" groups because we want to create life-long lasting relationships amongst the students while also creating a deep connection with the university.

The Multicultural Office student teams have created these ‘infinity’ groups as a show of lifelong support and efforts toward a better, more inclusive world. We invite you to get involved and stay active in the campus community by joining any of the below student groups that best fit your interests. We have something for every student. To sign up for a group or get more information, search them in the GCU Engage app.

The Asian American Pacific Islander infinity group pushes to create a safe space and community for all Pacific islander students at GCU.

Hui Aloha strives to create a community that helps students from Hawaii network and build relations that will enrich their college experience, while also providing students with a sense of familiarity and belonging.

The International Students infinity group is a place where students from all over the world can come together in commonality as individuals on their educational journey abroad.

The Native American Student infinity group’s mission is to build a Native American-based cultural community on campus where indigenous individuals can feel at home away from home while being supported by peers who come from similar backgrounds.

This infinity group is for fellow Filipinos to mingle and for others to learn about the culture.

The BOLD group aims to foster a community for black students on campus. We also aim to remind black students that they have a place and community that wants to empower, inspire and encourage them every step of their journey here at GCU.

Interested in starting your own infinity group? Complete this form and someone from the Multicultural Office will reach out to you.

Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Join the Multicultural Office for a 21-day challenge to help expand your understanding of diversity. Resources include books, podcasts, videos, movies and articles.

View Resource Guide

Diversi-Tea Newsletters

The Multicultural Office student teams offer a number of ways to stay active on campus and show support for a more inclusive world. Our newsletters will help you stay informed with upcoming events, podcasts and more!

Explore topics of atheism and Christianity as we navigate diversity in faith.