Spiritual Life

The Department of Spiritual Life supports the entire student body by providing opportunities for spiritual leadership and discipleship, holding weekly worship services, offering global and local outreach ministry opportunities and facilitating weekly small group Bible studies. Spiritual Life offered over 440 student leader positions for the 2022-23 school year. The spiritual life staff and student leaders help the Grand Canyon University (GCU) community grow in a personal relationship with God through an active faith in Jesus Christ.

The mission in the Department of Spiritual Life is to serve the GCU community from a Christian perspective. Spiritual life carries out this mission as staff develop and train student leaders to minister to the university, local and global communities.

  • We will teach the Word of God
  • We will train student leaders to mobilize the GCU student body to serve diverse communities
  • We will foster a culture of student-led ministry
  • We will prepare the student worship team to lead the GCU community in praise and worship
Button to play video: Spritual Life Involvement

Contact Spiritual Life

Department of Spiritual Life
Building 26, First Floor
[email protected]
Follow us on Instagram:

Pastoral Office

Pastor Tim Griffin is GCU’s dean of students and university pastor. Along with Pastor Tim, the Pastoral Office staff supports students seeking direction from a biblical perspective or wanting to learn more about the Christian faith. Additionally, our sports chaplain provides pastoral support for student athletes and connects them with spiritual formation opportunities on campus.

Watch this short message from Pastor Tim about getting involved with Spiritual Life opportunities on campus.

Prayer Requests

GCU Spiritual Life department and/or our staff chaplain would love to pray for you! Please choose the appropriate email below to send your prayer requests to.

Button to play video: SL Connection Video

Worship Services

GCU desires to come alongside you as you navigate through the college experience. Whether you are here for one semester or four years, our hope is to provide opportunities for you to explore who Jesus is, grow in a relationship with him and ultimately become a co-laborer with Christ.

Spiritual life hosts three services where the GCU community gathers to worship together and hear teachings from the Bible. Musical worship is led by students from the worship team, while speakers consist of staff members and pastors from a variety of local churches and Christian organizations. Follow us on Instagram for more information: @GCUWorship.

Chapel: Monday, 11 am - noon | GCU Arena
The Gathering: Tuesday, 7:30 - 8:30 pm | Antelope Gym Building 22
Sanctuary: (a more reflective service): Thursday, 7:30 - 8:30 pm | Sunset Auditorium Building 8

Watch Chapel Live

Unable to make it to Chapel? Stream it live on Mondays, starting at 11 am. Hear uplifting music from the worship team, feel inspiration from the weekly speakers and connect with God during these weekly services. Recordings from The Gathering can be viewed on the GCU Worship YouTube page.

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Life Groups

Our mission is to develop Christian leaders who cultivate Christ-centered community at GCU. This is accomplished through one-on-one mentoring relationships and student-led small-group Bible studies called Life Groups. Spiritual Life offered over 150 life leader positions and over 50 head life leader positions during the 2022-23 school year.

With more than 200 Life Groups to choose from, GCU traditional students can find a small group community in every living area and around the valley. To find a Life Group that works for you, please email [email protected].

The Life Group program is overseen by GCU staff who train and support student leaders, called Life Leaders, to facilitate small groups. Life Leaders teach and lead their Life Groups and are available for prayer, spiritual counsel and support.


Local Outreach

Local outreach offers GCU students the chance to serve the community around us. Local outreach has more than 25 student-led opportunities for GCU students to show Christ’s love to our neighbors in the city every week. Together, Local and Global Outreach offered over 190 student leader positions during the 2022-23 school year. Each of these ministries provide students with a tight-knit community and a chance to develop more purpose during their time at GCU. Follow local outreach on Instagram for the most up-to-date information @GCU.LocalOutreach.

  • Soccer Ministry: Relational high school soccer ministry
  • Ohanafied: Relational ministry to those with disabilities
  • Ohana Teens: Relational ministry to teens in group homes
  • Neighborhood Ministry: Serve inner city children and youth
  • Skate Ministry: Youth sports relational ministry
  • Habitat for Humanity: Serving neighbors with building and repairs
  • Along Side Ministry:1 Prison transition outreach
  • Colter Commons:1 Ministry to elderly neighbors
  • Canyon Kids: Ministry to local children
  • Park Ministry: Children’s sports relational ministry
  • Homeless Ministry: Serving those experiencing homelessness
  • Hope Wing:1 Relational ministry with at-risk men and women
  • Unified:1 Relational ministry to those with disabilities
  • Dance Ministry: Relational youth dance ministry
  • Royal Palms Soccer Ministry: Relational youth soccer ministry
  • Learning Lounge Soccer Ministry: Relational youth soccer ministry
  • Soccer Park Ministry: Relational youth soccer ministry
  • Changing Lives Center: Relational children’s ministry
  • Rehoboth: Relational children’s ministry
  • The Plug: Marketing team focused on connecting students to serving opportunities


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Global Outreach

Global outreach offers you the opportunity to experience God’s heart for the nations. Global mission trips represent the chance to join a team and go to a variety of locations within the U.S. and overseas. You can also engage in global ministry throughout the school year by participating in global outreach study groups or serving our global neighbors here in Phoenix.

Learn more about how you can get involved with global outreach on Instagram @gcu.globaloutreach.

  • Refuge Ministry: Refugee children’s camp experience
  • Neighbors to Family: Community with a refugee family
  • Global Project: A nine-week introduction to global ministry
  • ESL: Teaching English to Spanish-speaking refugees from all over the world
  • The Bridge:1 IRC partnership supporting asylum seekers
  • Camp Flourish: Refugee children’s camp experience
  • Missions: Connect to both local and global mission trips, as well as annual missions conference
  • The Plug: Connecting students with ongoing global outreach ministry
  • Thrive: Mentor and disciple refugee youth
  • Kanisa: Refugee church Sunday school ministry
  • Welcome Team: Support newly resettled refugee families


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How to Join Local and Global Outreach

Simply show up! No RSVP is required for the weekly ministries. Be sure to connect with the student leaders when you are there. They will have you fill out a background check if you haven’t already done so. Most of the ministries meet at the Outreach Hub located on the first floor, north side of Student Life Building 26.

Spiritual Formation

The Spiritual Formation program provides opportunities that can equip students with rhythms for life that make space for Christ to be formed in us. Through weekly workshops and semester retreats, students will have the opportunity to implement spiritual practices in daily life that form us into the image of Jesus. A schedule of workshops and retreats can be found on our Instagram page @gcuspiritualformation.

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Christian Identity and Mission

GCU is committed to Christian beliefs, values and practices in accord with its mission and vision. To learn more about how GCU is committed to living within the context of a missional community, visit our Christian Identity and Mission page.

1 May require an application, interview or fingerprint clearance card. Please contact directly prior to participation.